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Unsplash +

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Unsplash offers free images and photos that you can download and use for any project.

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About Unsplash

Unsplash provides a vast collection of high-quality, royalty-free images contributed by a global community of photographers.

Unsplash and Gamma

When creating or editing a gamma, users can access Unsplash images directly within the platform. This is typically done by typing the /unsplash command, or using the insert menu.

Once the image insertion option is selected, users can search for Unsplash images using keywords related to their presentation content. This allows for quick and easy access to a vast library of professional-quality images without leaving the gamma interface.

After selecting an Unsplash image, it can be easily added to the gamma and resized or positioned as needed.

Use Cases

  • Create visually stunning presentations - Integrate professional-grade Unsplash images directly into gammas to enhance the visual appeal of your presentations.

  • Develop brand-consistent marketing materials - Incorporate Unsplash images that match your brand aesthetics into gammas for pitching products, services, or campaigns.

  • Enhance educational content with relevant visuals - Embed topic-specific Unsplash images into gammas to create more engaging and memorable learning materials.


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